Yoga Tips for Beginners

Introduction: Yoga Tips for Beginners

Yoga is not crying like fountains on the mat, let’s be clear, but the mat is the best place to let go and to bring out everything wrong, as well as the best place to be grateful for what you have the mat is more than a mat. The mat is our safe space, our bubble in which everything is fine, whatever happens.

Practising yoga means bringing out what you have inside, getting to know yourself better, facing your difficulties, and getting involved. Practising yoga teaches you to look inside yourself, to question yourself, and to reflect on who you are and everything that isn’t good about you and your life.

Practising yoga is also moving with the most beautiful smile, finding it again after a difficult day or making it come to those who practice next to you thanks to the good vibes that you start to emanate when you are well when you are connected with yourself, with your heart and your soul.

Sure, that exists and it’s fun, especially if done in company, but yoga is so much more and I honestly believe that in Italy yoga is still seen too much as a fitness exercise and that the spiritual part, the most beautiful and the one truly capable of leading to change, to alignment with our higher self, is very lacking and it is a real shame. But let’s get to the advice for those who want to get started.

Yoga knows no age or gender and is suitable for every fitness level. This sport manages to inspire all types of audiences and unite them. If you practice yoga in a group with people who share your interests, training together strengthens the sense of community. After all, yoga isn’t about being the best, it’s about pushing yourself to your limits and discovering what you can do today.

When it comes to yoga, complex positions, and people twisting themselves immediately come to mind. They are the yogis, that is, the true experts who have been practising the discipline for a long time. Their images can certainly inspire you, or… Put them aside for a moment, it’s time to focus on you.

Yoga is a philosophical discipline originating from India that aims to create a balance between body, soul, and mind. This objective is also achieved through the execution of asanas, i.e. exercises carried out on the mat. The practice of yoga represents at the same time an ideal workout for the core; it also improves coordination and flexibility. Not to mention the mental benefits.

If you are a complete beginner, start practising yoga slowly and with the simplest exercises, to test your mobility first, increase awareness of your body, and be able to align breathing and movement. Keep in mind that greater body awareness will also help you in other sports.

Style For Beginners:

The most suitable type of yoga to start with depends above all on your personal goals. Each style of yoga provides precise practices for those who are still starting. If you are looking for a rather calm modality you could try Yin Yoga.

Many centres also offer extra hours for body relaxation or specific lessons focused on relaxation. Vinyasa Flow or Power Yoga will make you sweat profusely. In any case, the way the lesson is structured depends on the teacher and the specific style of the school.

In any case, no style is considered more or less suitable for beginners. So first ask yourself what your goal is and then start experimenting: what matters is that the lesson is a pleasure! It is also important to think “outside your box” and try your hand at something that you wouldn’t think is right for you.

Yoga Tips For Beginners

1. Focus On Your Motivations:

Especially in large cities, you will find a wide range of yoga lessons: from the more relaxing Yin Yoga to spiritually focused Kundalini, up to the more intense Power Yoga sessions. Ask yourself why you want to start practising yoga and what aspects you think are important in a beginner class or school. At this point look for yoga centers that meet your criteria and choose the style in line with your goals.

2. Find A Yoga Studio:

If you are still starting, it is a good idea to go to a yoga school, especially if you are a complete beginner. Practicing yoga in a group is more fun and by following the instructions of a qualified teacher you will perform the most suitable sequences for the class level. If you make any incorrect movements, the instructor will provide you with the necessary help and will show you the possible variations in case some positions prove more difficult for you.

3. Discover The Training Wheel That’s Right For You:

Sometimes yoga is pleasant from the first lessons, but sometimes not. Obviously the better you know how to do something, the more fun it is. If your first attempts are not an immediate success, don’t be discouraged, but give yourself time to familiarize yourself with the exercises and learn the lesson routines. To understand if the style, the teacher and the school are right for you, it would be a good idea to follow the course for a month, attending 2 or 3 times a week.

4. Be Realistic:

The handstand or lotus position are great postures, but they are not suitable for beginners. After all, you can’t get up one morning and sign up for a marathon just because you always wanted to. The risk of not completing it is high, not to mention the risk of getting hurt. Ask the yoga centre what level is right for you and stick to the advice given to you.

5. No Comparison With Others:

Easy to say, yet it isn’t. Think about it for a moment: if you are a beginner, what is the point of comparing your level with that of those who have been practising the discipline for years? And why should being able to do the splits make you feel better than other beginners when you know you’ve been taking dance lessons for years? Focus on yourself and keep your past experiences in mind. Just like in any sport, everyone’s body reacts differently. And it’s beautiful like that!

6. Better Not To Overdo It:

The first few times you practice yoga, move calmly and slowly. There’s no point in overdoing it, nor in wanting everything right away. Now and then try to ask yourself if everything is okay. Are the joints in the right positions? Do you feel any pain? If the answer is yes, then you can go a little further and practice the asana deeper and deeper.

Before yoga it is also important not to overdo it with food: when you unroll the mat, approximately 3 hours should have passed since your last full meal. Instead, drink some hot water or an infusion, which is good for the stomach and refreshes the spirit.

7. There Is No Rush:

Do you have what it takes to dedicate yourself to strength training or walking? Then also to do yoga! In this case at first, or even for a while, you won’t be able to extend your legs in a downward-facing dog, but it doesn’t matter. Yoga for beginners is a great way to train flexibility. After all, even in strength or resistance training, for every exercise, there is a variant that is right for you. If you have any difficulty, talk to your instructor and ask him how to proceed.

After the initial impact of the first lesson, you will learn to perform the basic exercises and you will realize how yoga, in addition to improving strength and mobility, really makes you feel good. In this discipline there is no rush: keep your concentration on your body and breathing and give yourself space to give your thoughts a break, focusing only on the essentials.

8. Also Try YouTube:

Maybe at the beginning, you don’t feel like going to a yoga centre to spend 60 or 90 minutes on the mat and would like to try it here and now. No problem: look online for a fairly simple sequence and try practising at home for 5, 10, or 15 minutes.

Even in this case, however, you will have to find a lesson suitable for beginners. There will be time for impressive poses and jumps: now is the time to work slowly and precisely.

But be careful, because even bending forward or backward can be dangerous for the spine and discs if it is not done correctly. Beginners practising yoga at home should pay double attention and only perform movements that appear “reasonable” at this level.

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